Beer Logging Web-application

BeerMe App

In a world where Untappd rules the beer logging game, I took it upon myself to create a similar application, BeerMe, where I can log my new beers and track stats (that I'm interested in) about the beers that I've had.

Where can I find it?


Building BeerMe


You can find the full documentation at BeerMe's readthedocs page

  • Firstly, BeerMe was built using a Flask framework.
  • The first thing I worked on was an auth blueprint that contained the register and login views with the application.
A Blueprint is a way to organize a group of related views and other code. Rather than registering views and other code directly with an application, they are registered with a blueprint. Then the blueprint is registered with the application when it is available in the factory function.                              A view function is the code you write to respond to requests to your application. Flask uses patterns to match the incoming request URL to the view that should handle it. The view returns data that Flask turns into an outgoing response.
Login page on BeerMe 1.2.0
  • Next, went ahead and created a db blueprint that would essentially get the database (which is a simple SQLite3 database), and initialize the application when called.
  • The SQLite3 database has two main schemas, one for user and another for beers - to track the users registrations and beer logging, respectively.
  • The next blueprint was the checkin blueprint, which contained the log_beer view that was responsible for taking input from a user and writing the beer log data into our database.
Beer check-in view on BeerMe 1.2.0 
  • The last blueprint was the stats blueprint, which contains the views that are tasked with generating statistics and generating the seaborn plots that are seen on the stats page.
Part of the stats page on BeerMe 1.2.0

With all the blueprints and my initialization script in place, all I had to do was create the empty database  + initialize the app.
